Hispanic Digital Marketing Best Practices for PPC

Hispanic Digital Marketing Best Practices for PPC

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Hispanic Digital Marketing Best Practices for PPC

The US Hispanic Digital Marketing is now key in terms of online marketing potential and a great way to improve on the performance of your campaigns  is ensuring th ...

The US Hispanic Digital Marketing is now key in terms of online marketing potential and a great way to improve on the performance of your campaigns  is ensuring that you have a smooth conversation with your Hispanic clients.

However, reaching them requires more than just marketing in Spanish. The following four points are the best ways to reach the Hispanic market with your PPC campaign:

Best Hispanic PPC Practices

1. Research Keywords

The key to developing an online marketing strategy with Google AdWords is to engage clients with online content. This will require to  do keyword research instead of only translating, and to focus in these three key points:

  • Cultural Climate: To find out who your consumers are, where they come from and what their interests are we recommend creating customer personas.
  • Traffic Volume: Once you’ve created your personas, check out the traffic for them in your area. The AdWords Keyword Tool will output the search volume for your selected keywords within specific locations.
  • Search Volume: Look at the search volume of your keywords using the Google Trends tool that provides the complete search volume history and location of all terms.

2. Target by Country

There are many subcultures in the enormity of the Hispanic demographic in the US so, when deciding your ad copy, don’t assume the direct translation of a keyword will work as well in Spanish as it does in English. Each Hispanic subculture has its own dialect.


For example, the word bus has different variations and here we can demonstrate it with 6 different ways in Spanish speaking countries.

México: Camión Argentina: Colectivo Nicaragua: Ruta, Bus
Cuba: Guagua Chile: Liebre Spain: Autobús

Use a human translator, preferably one from the culture you are targeting. Organizing your campaigns this way makes it easier to track the impact at specific groups and makes settings much easier to change.

3. Take Advantage of Digital Marketing

Hispanics are the most adapted demographic in the US when it comes to new technologies in today’s multiple device world.

  • Nielsen Mobile Insights has found that the average Hispanic mobile user uses y more than the average of minutes per month for all consumers.
  • Hispanic consumers pay attention to online ads 20% more than the general online population.
  • Hispanic consumers use search as their go-to resource for gathering information about a purchase – most searches are done on mobile.

4. Determine Your Aimed Audience

You cannot market Hispanics the same way to all generations. According to Huffington Post, Hispanic Millennials are largely bilingual Americans and have the following characteristics.

  • They are more likely to respond to ads in English.
  • They are more influenced by mobile.

Cultural signals, such as food and traditions, resonate with U.S. Hispanics online regardless of language and age. Create an engagement campaign that mixes copy and imagery to connect with Hispanic attitudes about generational ties.

To Sum Up

Ignoring customer insights or professional research is the same as putting yourself in the path to failure, so do not forget to test, you won’t know what works best if you don’t try different approaches.

Brands need to take action and that digital strategy is a huge opportunity. Hispanics are the opportunity now.

Make the most of your business taking into consideration these useful ways to reach Hispanic markets!

Hispanic Digital Marketing is the future now! Contact Us, our digital specialists will provide you with the best strategy plan.

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Source: White Shark Media

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