Mobile Marketing Trends in 2023 to Boost your Apps

Mobile Marketing Trends in 2023 to Boost your Apps

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Mobile Marketing Trends in 2023 to Boost your Apps

 Optimizing your mobile marketing strategies for apps to be prepared for the beginning of a new year is of great importance. As we more closer to the new year 2023, your busin ...

Optimizing your mobile marketing strategies for apps to be prepared for the beginning of a new year is of great importance. As we more closer to the new year 2023, your business needs to be prepared to adopt the latest technology trends.

In this article, we will show you three of the most important technology trends and some useful applications for the development of your apps so that you can run a mobile marketing audit and adapt your strategy for this year.

1. Augmented Reality

The rise of applications that use AR (augmented reality) is getting bigger in 2023 after big brands like Google and Apple released new AR demos on iPhone 8 and iPhone X this year.

During the last year we could see apps like Real Strike and Pokemon Go using AR for gaming purposes, however, it is a clear trend that this technology will continue to extend its functionality into other applications for business as well.

By the next year itself, the total count of AR/VR based apps will go beyond 5 billion. Developers have understood the need to deliver more immersive, innovative, 360° experiences to final users – and as such, they are trying to incorporate AR modules in their apps, to drive up engagement levels.



These next few years we will see a boom in smartphone AR thanks to developer platforms from the likes of Google, Facebook and Apple. These experiences will act as “AR training wheels” for enterprises, developers and consumers alike – preparing us for the need for a new headworn form factor while buying the time for the headworn technologies to become smarter, smaller, more cost effective and ready for widescale adoption. – Tom Emrich, Super Ventures Partner

How to Use AR in Marketing?

To hit the jackpot with VR and make it work for your marketing campaign, the first step is finding out how VR fits into your marketing strategy, and then convincing your audience to put a headset on.

Uses of Virtual Reality in Marketing:

  • Create 360-degree videos
  • Develop a VR application
  • Take advantage of headsets
  • Create a VR game
  • Build a teleporter

2. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will keep growing into the year 2023 as the relevance of digital assistants like Google Assistant, Siri and Amazon Alexa is increaseing in day-to-day activities.


In businesses the use of AI has been huge too. Already, 4 out of every 10 business houses make use artificial intelligence, and the more refined machine learning techniques, to deliver optimized customer service.

“Within three years, enterprise [intelligent assistants will be the primary point of contact to support real world commerce in the digital realm.” – Dan Miller, Founder, Opus Research

How to Use AI in Marketing?

Now, marketers can use AI to learning from customer interaction, making decision empowered by data, predicting recommendations and providing unique customized experience to each and every client.

Uses of AI in Marketing:

  • Chat Bots or Voice Managers
  • Emotion Recognition
  • Image Recognition
  • Ad Targeting
  • Dynamic Pricing
  • App Personalization
  • Predictive Customer Service
  • Marketing Automation



3. Cloud Apps

As AI, Machine Learing and IoT keeps growing in the development of mobile applications, the need of a cloud that alows large volumes of storage space arises more every year.


The cloud storage will also be an important element to consider for user experience, because mobile users also don’t have the storage capacity on their device to use apps that require large volumes of data.

“If someone asks me what cloud computing is, I try not to get bogged down with definitions. I tell them that, simply put, cloud computing is a better way to run your business.”- Marc Benioff, Founder, CEO and Chairman of Salesforce

As of now, Google Drive, Dropbox, & OneDrive are only the tip of the iceberg, but a Cisco research says that by 2023, cloud apps will drive 90% of total mobile data traffic in the world.

Benefits of Cloud Applications

  • Cost Savings
  • Increased Mobility, Flexibility, and Efficiency
  • Easy Access
  • Data Security
  • Enhanced Speed and Reliability
  • Better User Experience.


These trends are going to be important for the year ahead so now is your work to think about how you can use them for your Mobile Marketing Strategy. It is important to plan accordingly to make sure you have the relevant updates or additions in place before your competitors.

Do you want to update your mobile applications with the latest marketing trends? Contact Us, our team will create the best app store optimization strategy for your business.

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